Breathwork is the act of changing the way that we're breathing in order to shift or influence the way that we feel.
How? A couple of ways. First, the breath is the only system in our body that both functions automatically and that we have conscious control over. As we go about our day, chances are, we barely give any thought to our breath. But, in any given moment, we have the capacity to override the automatic function.
Why does this matter? Well, every single emotional state that we experience in our bodies, our body breathes in a certain way as a response. So, if our breath is linked to our emotions and our breath is something that we can control, this must mean that we can use our breath to enter into a desired state of feeling and being.
We will engage the breath to support us in releasing and letting go of anything that doesn't serve or support us or our best self (IE stress, overwhelm, feelings of nervousness or anxiousness, etc). Whatever we hold on to energetically - limiting beliefs, negative self-talk, outdated ways of being or thinking, suppressed emotions / feelings - can show up as disease or dis-ease in the body.
Breathwork sessions will provide you the space to release and let go of whatever isn’t serving you in a safe and healthy way so that you can allow your body to heal and return to it’s most optimal, healthy state.
When you do breathwork, you’re not only releasing stress and anxiety in the moment, but you’re also training your nervous system to respond differently to stressors in the future. Over time, with consistent practice, you can rewire your brain for more calm and less reactivity.
That means you can move through life’s ebbs and flows with more ease, no matter what’s happening around you. You can be the unshakeable version of yourself – confident, clear, and free.
A regular breathwork practice can help you:
Heal past pain & trauma
Improve your sleep quality
Boost immunity
Increase attention & focus
Quiet your mind and find peace and clarity
If you have any medical conditions or are currently taking medication, please consult your doctor before starting breathwork. Medical conditions may include, but are not limited to, high blood pressure, depression, kidney disease, heart disease, chronic panic attacks, and asthma. When you sign up you'll fill out a medical waiver...if there's anything on the waiver that isn't a match, I'll reach out and offer a full refund.
Such a great question! My answer is, if you're right in the middle of severe emotional trauma that's not processed then I would say no. Breathwork is a very powerful modality that stirs up lots of emotion. However if you feel like you're in a good place in your journey and you've already processed a lot of the emotion that's there then YES! Ultimately you know your body best and you intuitively know if you're ready for this work. Good news is that you'll be supported by a HealthKer Breathwork Facilitator and the short integrative sessions will be a great place to start.
The most common side effect is tetany which is an involuntary contraction of the muscles which leads to temporary paralysis in some part of the body. It only lasts for about 15 mintues and it's completely and totally safe. There's lots of energy moving through the body during breathwork and it often leaves through the extremities. Your ears may ring for 20 minutes after breathwork, you may be shaky, you might get cold or hot, you might have the desire to shout. All of this is normal and part of the energetic release process.
Yes and no! The longer meditative breathwork sessions are not the best for pregnant women, but the short integrative sessions are great for you.